
A Glimpse of the Promised Land: Fault-tolerant parsing

For some time, it has been a goal of JavaCC 21 to provide the ability to generate fault-tolerant parsers. I started working on the problem about a year ago. However, I had not put in a comprehensive solution until now for several reasons. Basically these: The codebase, though already significantly refactored and cleaned up, was …

A Glimpse of the Promised Land: Fault-tolerant parsing Read More »

Context-Sensitive Tokenizing, Part Deux: Lexical States

(To get some prerequisite understanding of this topic, it might be a good idea to read this earlier blog post on context-sensitive tokenization from three months ago.) The Lay of the Land There are two quite useful ideas that have been in JavaCC from the very beginning: lookahead (particularly syntactic lookahead) lexical states Syntactic lookahead …

Context-Sensitive Tokenizing, Part Deux: Lexical States Read More »

Tastes just like home-made! (Some more tree building enhancements)

Before getting into what the minor enhancements to tree building are, I guess I should write a quick synopsis of the current state of affairs. When you have TREE_BUILDING_ENABLED set to true (this is the default in JavaCC21) the tree building machinery will build a Node if the production results in the creation of more …

Tastes just like home-made! (Some more tree building enhancements) Read More »